In-depth analysis of the new development of foreign-sourced income exemption (FSIE) with CWK Global

Recently, there have been new developments in the foreign-sourced income exemption (FSIE), which has various impacts on the market. Recognizing that the new FSIE regime is not widely known, Ms. Evy Wong, the Principal Partner of the Tax & Advisory Department of CWK Global, was invited to attend two seminars earlier and provided an in-depth analysis of the FSIE changes and strategies for adapting to the new rules.

One of the seminars was held by CWK Global and Hang Seng Bank at the Hang Seng Business Center in Wan Chai, consisting of online and offline formats. Another seminar was held online by The Association of International Accountants. Both seminars concluded successfully, and the participants had a deeper understanding of the new developments and coping strategies of FSIE.

During the two seminars, Ms. Evy Wong shared the tax considerations involved in distributing dividends from PRC companies to Hong Kong shareholders, as well as the impact of the Certificate of Residence (COR) on tax planning. She also introduced how to deal with the latest developments in foreign-sourced income exemption (FSIE) to help participants better understand and deal with related tax challenges.

CWK Global will continue providing various useful information about the foreign-sourced income exemption (FSIE) and other related information in the future. Readers are encouraged to stay tuned to our website for updates and valuable insights.