CWK Global website is certified for Web Accessibility

In order to meet the needs of different users, CWK Global is aiming to allow everyone to access our information and contents easily through our website. We worked on website interface design, tuning color differences, updating font style and sounds, to achieve Web Accessibility. This could let people with disabilities access our website without any hassle.

Web Accessibility enables people who have different kinds of disabilities to browse the website, which includes people with visual impairment, physical impairment, hearing impairment and cognitive and learning Impairment. CWK Global aims to take social responsibility by providing an inclusive online environment. People with disabilities can easily browse our website for the latest information and learn more about our professional services.

With the efforts from our team, CWK Global website has been certified for Web Accessibility. Our website was also nominated on the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme this year. This was a great achievement and honor for us, and we promise to continue promoting an inclusive society.

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CWK Global website has been certified for Web Accessibility.